轻松学英语:要分别了 口语不说“Good Bye”说什么?

­ 很高兴遇见你 ­ It was nice meeting you。 ­ 请代我向约翰问好。 ­ Please say Hello to John for me。 ­ 有空再来。 ­ Come again。 ­ 不要忘了带礼物回来给我。 ­ Don‘t forget to bring something back for me! ­ 放轻松一点。 ­ Take it easy! ­ ...

"So many times it happens too fast." 1982 Daryl Hall & John Oates: 《I Can't Go For That》 "Easy, ready, willing, overtime. Where does it stop?" 1982 Joan Jett & the Blackh...

Gallagher agrees with Skenazy that many nine-year-olds are ready for independence like taking public transportation alone. “At certain times of the day, on certain routes, the subways are generally safe for these children, especially if they have ...

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